Friday, July 8, 2016

Conditional Sentence မ်ားအေၾကာင္းသိေကာင္းစရာ (Third Conditionals)

  • Zero ConditionalsFirst Conditional နဲ႔ Second Conditionals မ်ားအေၾကာင္းကုိ တင္ျပခဲ့ျပီးျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
  • အခုဆုိရင္ Conditional sentence မ်ားကုိ တင္ျပလာတာ ေနာက္ဆုံးအပုိင္းျဖစ္တဲ့ Third Conditionals အပုိင္းကုိ ေရာက္လာပါျပီ။ Second Conditionals နဲ႔ အခုတင္ျပမယ့္ Third Conditionals မ်ားဟာ Unreal Conditionals  မ်ားျဖစ္ၾကပါတယ္။ အခု Third Conditionals မ်ားအေၾကာင္းစတင္ေလ့လာၾကည့္ရေအာင္ပါ။
  • Third Conditionals က ဘာကုိ ေဖာ္ျပေပးသလဲဆုိေတာ့ "စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ဆန္တဲ့ မျဖစ္ႏုိင္မႈေတြကုိ အတိတ္မွာျဖစ္ခဲ့ခ်င္တာမ်ဳိး"ကုိ ေဖာ္ျပခ်င္ရင္ သုံးတာပါ။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ Second Conditionals လိုပဲ Unreal Conditionals အမ်ဳိးအစားပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ 
  • မျဖစ္္ႏုိင္ခဲ့တဲ့အရာေတြနဲ႔ပတ္သက္ျပီး ရလဒ္ေကာင္းလိုခ်င္ခဲ့မိတာကုိ လက္ရွိအခ်ိန္မွာ စိတ္ကူးယဥ္တာမ်ဳိးအတြက္ပါ။ ဥပမာ-
(Yesterday, you played the lottery. But you did not win. )ဆုိတဲ့အတိတ္ကာလက မျဖစ္ခဲ့တာကုိ အခုလက္ရွိမွာ စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ေနတယ္ ဆုိတဲ့အဓိပၸာယ္မ်ဳိးပါ။ အဲဒါကုိ Third Conditionals နဲ႔ စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ေမ်ွာ္လင့္မႈကုိ ဒီလိုေရးပါမယ္။

  • If I won the lottery, I would have bought a house.
တကယ့္ေတာ့ အိမ္မဝယ္ခဲ့ဘူး၊ ဘာျဖစ္လို႔လဲဆုိရင္ ထီးလည္း မေပါက္ခဲ့လို႔ပါပဲ။ အတိတ္မွာ ျဖစ္ပ်က္ခဲ့တဲ့အတြက္ေၾကာင့္ ဒီအေျခအေနဟာမျဖစ္ႏုိင္ပါဘူး။ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ႔ဟာ အတိတ္ကုိ မေျပာင္းလဲႏုိင္ပါဘူး။ ဒါေၾကာင့္မတူညီတဲ့အတိတ္ျဖစ္ရပ္ကုိ စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ေမ်ွာ္လင့္မႈကုိေဖာ္ျပခ်င္ရင္ Third Conditional ကုိသုံးရပါမယ္။


  • အခု Third Conditionals ကုိသုံးတဲ့ ပုံစံ (Form) ကုိေလ့လာၾကည့္ရေအာင္ပါ။
-      If + Condition + Result
  • If I had seen Jane, I would have invited her to the concert.
ဒီစာေၾကာင္းအရဆုိရင္ conditional အပုိင္းကုိ ေရွ႕မွာ သုံးမယ္ဆုိရင္ conditional အဆုံးမွာ comma(,) ထည့္ေပးရပါမယ္။ အကယ္၍ Result အပုိင္းကုိ ေရွ႕မွာထားမယ္ဆုိရင္ေတာ့ comma(,) သုံးစရာ မလိုအပ္ေတာ့ပါ။
Result + if + Conditional
  • -      I would have invited her to the concert if I had seen Jane
-  တကယ္ေတာ့ Jane ကုိ မေတြ႔ခဲ့ဘူး။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ invite လုပ္ႏုိင္ခဲ့ျခင္းလည္း မရွိခဲ့ဘူး။ Third Conditionals ကိုသုံးလိုက္ျခင္းျဖင့္ မတူညီတဲ့အတိတ္ျဖစ္ရပ္ကုိ စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ေမ်ွာလင့္မႈျဖစ္သြားေစပါတယ္။
Verb tense of the conditional
-      ဒီ Third conditional မွာ"Past Perfect Tense" ကုိသုံးပါတယ္။
  • -      If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a house.
  • -      If I had seen Jane, I would have invited her to the concert.
 (If + Subj + past perfect)

 Structure of the result: "would have + past participle

 If I had studied for the exam, he would have passed.

Third Conditional Vs Second Conditional

If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a boat. (Third Conditional)
  • လက္ရွိပစၥဳပၸဳန္မွာ ျဖစ္ခ်င္ေနတဲ့ မျဖစ္ခဲ့တဲ့၊ မလုပ္ေဆာင္ခဲ့တဲ့ အတိတ္က စိတ္ကူးယဥ္မႈကုိ ေဖာ္ျပထားတာပါ။ အထက္မွာ ရွင္းျပခဲ့သလို ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ႔ဟာ အတိတ္ကုိ မေျပာင္းလဲႏုိင္တဲ့အတြက္ေၾကာင့္ ဒီ condition ဟာ မျဖစ္ႏုိင္ပါဘူး ဆုိလိုတာပါ။
If I won the lottery, I would buy a boat. (Second Conditional)
  • ဒါကေတာ့ လက္ရွိမွာေရာ အနာဂတ္မွာေရာ ျဖစ္ႏုိင္ေျခနည္းတဲ့ အေျခအေနမ်ဳိး၊ မျဖစ္ႏုိင္တဲ့အေျခအေနမ်ဳိးပါ။ ဒါလည္း စိတ္ကူးယဥ္ဆန္မႈ တစ္ခုပါပဲ။
  • ဒါေၾကာင့္ Second Conditionals ေရာ Third Conditionals ပါ Unreal Conditionals မ်ားျဖစ္ၾကပါတယ္။

Modals in the Third Conditional

  • If she had gone to university, she would have become a doctor.
(would = Certain) ဆုိလိုတာက 
 If she had gone to university, it is certain that she would have become a doctor. လို႔ဆုိလိုတာပါ။
  • If she had gone to university, she might have become a doctor. (may be)
(might = not certain) ဆုိလိုတာက 
  If she had gone to university, it is not certain that she would have become a doctor. လို႔ဆုိလိုတာပါ။
  •  If she had gone to university, she could have become a doctor. 
(could = ability) ဆုိလိုတာက
If she had gone to university, she would have been able to become a doctor.
( she would have had the ability to become a doctor.)
  တင္ထားသမ်ွ ပုိ႔စ္ေတြကုိ
Android Phone မ်ားမွ ဖတ္ရန္ Apk ေဒါင္းယူေလ့လာႏုိင္ပါျပီ....

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