Friday, July 15, 2016

IELTS Speaking: Part 2 - Topics and Band 8.0+ Model Answers

(May – August, 2016) မွာေျဖဆုိရမယ့္ IELTS Exam မွာ Speaking Part 2 အတြက္ ၾကဳိတင္ေလ့လာထားသင့္တဲ့ Topic ၄၇ ခုကုိ တင္ေပးလုိက္ပါတယ္။ အခုတင္ေပးလိုက္တဲ့ ပုိ႔စ္မွာ band score 8.0 + အဆင့္ရွိတဲ့ Model Answer မ်ားပါဝင္ပါတယ္။ ဒီပုိ႔စ္မွာေတာ့ Topic ၆ခုပဲ တင္ေပးလိုက္တာျဖစ္ျပီး က်န္တဲ့ ၄၁ ခုကုိ PDF အေနျဖင့္ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။ PDF ဖုိင္ကုိ ေဒါင္းယူျပီး ေလ့လာၾကည့္လုိက္ပါ။

1. Describe a television program that you like to watch.
You should say:
what program it is
what the program is about
how often you watch it
and explain why you like watching this program.

Band 8.0 Sample Answers:
Over the course of my life, I have been watching a lot of television programs, ranging from scientific to reality shows. However, the TV program that I am addicted to is the Apprentice on NBC channel. The show airs for about 30 minutes, twice a week. The show is hosted by Donal Trump, one of the richest and most powerful billionaires in the world. 
There are often 10 people in each episode and all the participants are young, dynamic, enthusiastic and talented people from all walks of life. Despite of different backgrounds, they all share the same dream of becoming successful people, which is the very reason why they join this program. 
The Apprentice is regarded among one of the most popular educational TV programs. Watching this program, I can gain a deeper insight into the business world and about obstacles that people have to encounter and overcome in order to succeed. 
This program is useful for not only business people but also young people like me. It inspires us and motivates us to advance in our career paths.  

2. Describe a sport that you would like to learn.
You should say:
what sport it is
how you would learn it
how difficult you think it would be to learn
and explain why you would like to learn this sport.

Band 8.5 Suggested Answer:
There are many kinds of sports which people like learning these days, such as baseball, basketball, volleyball, and cricket but I would like to learn football which is so-called the king of sports. 
Football is the popular kind of sports in almost all countries in the world. Basically, it is a collective game with 2 teams and each team has 11 players.  The main purpose is that players try to keep their goal safe and kick the ball to the net of their opponents. Scores are recorded and the winner is the team having higher scores. 
It is the most famous sports in my country and all of my family members favor this sports, especially my father and my brother. Thus, I had a chance to approach this sport since I was 7 years old. I really love learning it because of the drama and surprise in each match.
From my perspectives, it is really difficult to learn to play soccer well. A player needs to be very strong to compete with others, and be skillful in ball controlling, heading as well as having team spirit. A good football team needs to have solidarity as well as the ability to control the game. Therefore, normally there is a coach for each team and this person is not less famous than other players. 

3.Describe one of your childhood toys that was special to you.
You should say:
what it was
who gave it to you
how you played with it
and explain why it was special for you.

Band 8.5 Model Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2:
I have many toys in my childhood and at different stages, I prefer different toys. However, among them, a Teddy bear is the most special one to me and I still keep it at my closet until now. 
I guess that all kids love a furry friend and so did I. However, what made the bear really special to me was that this was a gift from my father on an occasion of my 5th birthday. Everything about it was so different from other stuffed bears. At that time, my father was working far away and I missed him so much. I thought that he could not come back to celebrate my birthday party as he had did before. To my surprise, on my birthday, he suddenly came home and brought with him a lovely Teddy bear. Missing him, I ran into him and my father gave me big hug, then kissed me. I was so excited about the Teddy bear. When I squeezed it, it said I LOVE YOU by the most sweet and lovely voice on Earth.  
Looking at it made me immediately think about my beloved father. His physical presence on my birthday was like gold to me. You know, it is really hard to not have one of the most important people to you in your birthday. I would never forget that special moment and the Teddy bear means so much to me.

4.Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future.
You should say:
what the goal is
when you first began to have this goal
how you would achieve the first step of your goal *
how easy or difficult you think it will be to reach this goal
and explain why you have this goal.

Band 8.5 Model Answer for IELTS SPeaking Part 2:

I have a long desire to learn Chinese as a second foreign language, but even with my passion, I still have not achieved it yet. 
This passion grew in me just few years ago when I watched a very inspiring movie about Chinese history and culture. Then I decided that I had to learn Chinese in order to explore more about this incredible nation. Besides, knowing more than one language is very beneficial to not only my study but also my future career path.
Therefore, in order to achieve my target, I will register for a Chinese course for beginners, which is held 3 times a week.  I also intend to download many apps on my phone with the aim to study at home by myself. I have drawn my own schedule so that I can make time for self – study, at least 1 hour per day.
As currently, I have a full – time job, I am so busy that there are days when I have to work overtime or travel faraway to meet clients. Moreover, after a tiring day, I often feel deadly tired and find it hard to concentrate on studying at home.  However, just thinking about the moments when I can speak Chinese gives me a sense of satisfaction, which encourages me to study harder and better. Thus, I always remind myself that I have to keep up with my schedule at any cost if I want to make my dream come true. 

5.Describe a happy family event from your childhood.
You should say:
what the event was
where it happened
what you saw and did *
and explain why you remember this event so well.

Band 8.5 Model Answer for IELTS SPeaking Part 2:

There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall and among them, I would like to talk about the time when my family gathered to make the Chung cake for the Tet holiday. 
The Lunar New Year, or Tet, is a very special traditional holiday in my country. It was probably my most favorite holiday when I was a small girl as my family had a lot of activities to celebrate this occasion.  Among them, making the Chung cake made me excited the most. The Chung cake is made of glutinous rice, green beans and fat pork, wrapped in banana leaves in the shape of a square. I often played with my older brother when my parents prepared the ingredients for the cake. And then, my father lit a small fire to boil the cake overnight. 
It was perhaps the only time of the year when I was allowed to stay up late. While my family was sitting around the warm fire, my grandmother would tell the old legendary story about the Chung cake to commemorate the filial affection of Lang Lieu prince to his father and remind us of the long – lasting Vietnamese tradition. 
In recent years, my family has not had enough time for making the Chung cake on our own. However, to me, a ready – made Chung cake that we buy from a local market cant bring the special feeling and replace the taste of a Chung cake from my childhood. I hope that my family can continue our tradition in the coming years.

6.Describe a useful app or computer program for a smart phone, computer or tablet that you have used.
You should say:
what the app is
how long/how often you have used it (or, been using it)
what you use it for
and explain why you think it is useful.

Band 8.0 Model Answer for IELTS Speaking Part 2

Well, I’m really into mobile apps so I set up at least 20 helpful apps on my smartphone like Meditation, Tripadvisor, Ted, Lumosity, Dulingo, Wunderlist. But maybe Money Lover is the most useful one and at the top of my list.
Let me tell you about it in more detail. The symbol of the app is a very cute piggy bank which impresses me a lot at the first sight. There are many expenses for clothes, food, cosmetics divided so that at the end of the month, I can know exactly what cost me a bomb, what are within my budget to tighten the belt next month.
It is not an exaggeration to say that this way of saving money changes my life for the better. Thanks to that, I am better at money management. When talking about money saving, my friends consider me as a shining model for them to follow. This makes me so proud of myself.
In addition, my mom always got shirty with me for my wasting money but at the moment, she hardly loses her temper anymore and we seem to have better relationship than in the past.
If anyone asks what application I like best, “Money Lover” is the first thing that comes to my mind. Trust me, it is really helpful.
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